Dubai Police offers free car inspection service to combat summer accident risks

Dubai Police is stepping up efforts to ensure road safety this summer by offering a free car inspection service to all private car owners. With the extreme heat posing significant risks such as tyre bursts and fire accidents, this initiative aims to reduce the number of accidents on the roads.

The free inspection service, available until the end of August, can be accessed at AutoPro centres across the UAE. The service includes comprehensive checks on ten critical aspects of vehicle health:

Air conditioning and air filter

Seat belt condition

Wiper blade condition

Windshield washer fluid

Radiator hoses condition

Battery health

Engine oil and coolant levels

Tyre pressure condition

Fluid levels


This initiative is part of the ‘Summer Without Accidents’ campaign by the General Department of Traffic. A dedicated team from the Traffic Education Department is educating drivers on maintaining tyre validity and overall vehicle efficiency to prevent accidents.

Dubai Police has also issued key safety guidelines for motorists:

Regularly check tyre validity and monitor for vibrations.

Inspect tyres for cracks and bulges frequently.

Change engine oil on a regular basis.

Watch for any fluid leaks.

Conduct routine vehicle inspections to prevent accidents.

Traffic accidents remain a major concern for law enforcement, leading to fatalities, injuries, and significant material losses. Recently, Abu Dhabi police highlighted the dangers of tyre bursts after recording 22 traffic accidents in 2023. They also warned against leaving items in cars that could catch fire in the heat.