Man in India bites snake to neutralize venom; snake dies, man survives

A man bit back at a snake that had bitten him believing it would neutralize the venom.

The incident happened in Navada, Bihar in India, involving 35-year-old Santosh Lohar, asleep at his base camp after a day’s work laying railway lines. When the snake bit him, Lohar retaliated by biting the snake twice. Ironically, the snake died as a result, while Lohar was rushed to the hospital.

Medical treatment ensured Lohar’s survival, and he was hospitalized overnight before being discharged the following day.

This unusual incident follows a tragic event earlier this month in Indonesia, where a 30-year-old woman was swallowed whole by a 30-foot python. Her husband discovered her feet protruding from the snake’s mouth and killed the serpent, but it was too late to save her.