“Family of Two,” the heartfelt Philippine drama that captured audiences’ hearts upon its release, is set to hit UAE screens starting March 14. Directed by Nuel Crisostomo Naval and written by Mel Mendoza-del Rosario, the film tells the poignant story of a single mother and her devoted son, portrayed by renowned actors Sharon Cuneta and Alden Richards.
The narrative centers around Maricar, played by Cuneta, who finds herself navigating the complexities of single parenthood after becoming a widow when her son, Mateo (Richards), was just five years old. As Mateo prepares to move to Singapore with his girlfriend, portrayed by Miles Ocampo, he takes it upon himself to search for a suitable partner for his mother.
With stellar performances from the cast, including Pepe Herrera, Jackie Lou Blanco, Tonton Gutierrez, and Donita Rose, “Family of Two” delivers a moving portrayal of love, sacrifice, and familial bonds.
Originally released on December 25, 2023, as part of the Metro Manila Film Festival, the film garnered acclaim for its heartfelt storytelling and powerful performances.