Renowned manga artist and creator of Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama, has died, as confirmed by his agency on Friday. Toriyama, aged 68, passed away due to acute subdural hematoma, according to a statement released by Bird Studio on X.
The statement expressed deep regret that Toriyama had several works in progress and many aspirations yet to fulfill. Despite this, his legacy in the form of numerous manga titles and artworks remains, which he dedicated over 45 years of his life to, buoyed by the support of fans worldwide.
The funeral arrangements have been announced to be limited to family and close relatives, with Bird Studio requesting fans not to send flowers, gifts, or other offerings. They emphasized Toriyama’s wish for his unique creations to continue to be cherished by audiences in the years to come.
Toriyama began his illustrious career in 1987 with “Wonder Island” and went on to create other beloved manga series such as “Dr. Slump.” He also left an indelible mark on the gaming world, contributing as a character designer for the iconic “Dragon Quest” franchise. However, his most enduring legacy remains “Dragon Ball,” a series that has profoundly impacted manga and pop culture globally.